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Suzanne Visser
Suzanne Visser LLM (1957) began her writing career in the Netherlands. She published through several good publishing houses such as Atlas, Leopold and Bert Bakker.
Her novel De Vismoorden; The Fish Murders, was translated into French, German, and Spanish. Clear Mind Press has now published this successful book in English. Jonathan Smith did the translation.
Visser has lived in Australia since 2000. She now writes in English. The Fish Murders is the first novel we published.
The Elephant's Tooth is a work of non-fiction. Both books came out at about the same time. Visser is a versatile and productive writer.
Her latest book is Never Retire, An exploration of Old Age.
Short stories:
De pracht van het dagelijks leven; 1991, Bert Bakker
De Vismoorden; Atlas Uitgeverij, 2000; published in German as Das Japanische Rätsel, DVA, 2001; in French as Les Meurtres au Poisson, Noir sur Blanc, 2002; in Spanish as Sushi, Ediciones B., 2003; in English as The Fish Murders, Clear Mind Press, 2022
Children's book:
De Verdwijning, Leopold, 2005
Terra Nostra, Bookhost, 2003
Een man met mooie benen, Mistral, 2006
I, Unborn, Undying (a Search for the Self), For a Clear Mind, 2016
The Elephant's Tooth, Crime in Alice Springs, Clear Mind Press 2022
The Elephant's Tooth, Crime in Rural Australia, Clear Mind Press 2022
Marks on Paper, Essays on drawing, seeing and looking, Clear Mind Press 2023
Never Retire, an exploration of old age, Clear Mind Press 2023
Hundred Fifty Five Sonnets, Clear Mind Press 2025.
I, Myself and Me, Who is the Real One? Clear Mind Press 2025.